The World's Greatest Stories TM
Saturday, December 24, 2011
I have taken an unintended break from homeschool reviews while my oldest daughter has been struggling with major health issues and has been hospitalized out of state for the last couple weeks. Additionally, 3 weeks ago, 2 new little boys joined our family from Russia. So, we have been out of the country many times recently. Thankfully, our daughter is now out of the hospital and home again and the babies are on a predictable schedule. So, I am ready to get back to posting reviews. We have continued with homeschooling and using the items we have been given to review. It has simply been impossible to sit down and try to get my thoughts down to write a semi-intelligent review.
The World's Greatest Stories TM are spoken dramatizations of scripture read or quoted directly from the King James Version or New International Version of the Bible. George W Sarris expertly narrates in such a wonderful voice and with such enthusiasm that successfully holds the attention of young and old alike. While targeted at children with a focus on "Getting Eternity into the Hearts of the Next Generation", it is still enjoyable for adults . In fact, it is one of the very few reviews I have done that made me want to order all the items offered by the company.
That is not to say other items I have reviewed haven’t been wonderful! I have felt blessed by each item we have had the opportunity to review, but I connected with this item more than many since I deeply desire my children to memorize scripture and to have the Word of God in their hearts. Plus, the price is low enough to be what I consider affordable. Since the recitations are directly from scripture, we can listen without interruptions and explanations that are necessary when typical Bible stories add their own interpretation in order to make it more entertaining for children. I believe in the power of scripture and that even the youngest child of God can benefit from the scripture alone.
I is wonderful for the children to use their imaginations to visualize the passages being read. Granted, the voices George Sarris uses are his own interpretation and might color the impression of the listener. However, this helps to differentiate characters while listening and is a large part of why these stories are so enjoyable.
Honestly, my children would prefer to watch a video of some sort to listening to a CD, but we often listen CDs while we drive. Currently, the children most often request these Bible stories over the other CD options. At $7.95 each, they are affordable as well. Shipping is only $1.25 and free if 6 or more items are ordered at a time. Interested in seeing live performances? Click here for a tour schedule.
We received Volume 1- The Prophets. The 5 stories are: The Blazing Furnace (Daniel 3), The Handwriting on the Wall (Daniel 5), Daniel in the Lion's Den (Daniel 6), Elijah & the Prophets of Baal (1 Kings 17-18), The Prophecy of Jonah (all of Jonah). We kept the CD in our van. I chose King James because we don't have NIV version Bibles readily available in our home. While we simply listened so far, these CDs would also make great read alongs!
I received this CD free in through The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew in exchange for my honest review.
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