Travel the World Review

Monday, July 19, 2010

I have come to expect a certain quality from The Old Schoolhouse. This module - Travel the World- doesn't disappoint.  It is the module for June 2010 from the 2009 Schoolhouse  planner.


For the cost of $7.95, this unit study seems very thorough and cost effective. The way we personally used the module was in parts and pieces. This module can be purchased separately as a single unit. Alternately, the entire Schoolhouse Planner can be purchased.


 Often we will work a unit from start to finish. However, we are not currently back to a full load of school. So, I printed all the activities to be used on trips as time fillers. I didn't print out the rest of the module in its entirety for my children, but did print it out in 1/2 size because I found it easier for me to review it that way. I like the flexibility of an e-book and the ease of storage. I have so many books and not enough books shelves anyway. Also, there are many internet links in the module that would be lost if used in a print out fashion. When I read the info to my children, they colored the lapbook pages. They came to view my computer when I looked up a link.


We are working on assembling the lapbook. My children enjoy making lapbooks. We are used to assembling lapbooks along with a book. This time we will have to use other books and resources to fill in some of the information.  However, this will also allow us to add to the book throughout the year.

We plan on adding information from the countries we read about during the year.


There is a great variety offered in this module - everything from copywork in print and cursive to songs and coloring sheets.


I found this module to be primarily geared towards 2nd - 7th grade. However, there is supplemental material that would make it applicable for older grades as well. My older children often help their younger siblings with projects. If a particular child needs reinforcement in a certain subject, then they are usually the one assigned to the task.  I am the one who needs the most help in the area of Geography.


This module was easy to use, attractive and useful. I highly recommend purchasing  this unit. Many other units are available  on The Old Schoolhouse website.


This module was given to me for free in exchange for my honest review.





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