Thinking Godly About Money
Posted 7/4/2002 10:18:12 AM
Some notes from the men's Family Camp chapel with Bob Jones III on money.
How we spend our money is an excellent indicator of our hearts, and what we truly value.
- Money is a by-product of a life of work, not the goal Luk 12:13, 1Tim 6:6, Mat 6:33.
- More wealth must be balanced by an increased knowledge of God 1Ti 6:9-11
- God expects money - like must else - to be increased Ps 62:10, Luk 16:9-12
- Money cannot buy heaven Pr 11:4
- Money doesn't last forever Pr 27:24, 1Ti 6:17
- Hoarding wealth is a snare Ps 39:6, Jas 5:1, Pr 22:16
- Love of money draws us away from Christ 1Ti 6:10
- Money is for meeting the needs of others Eph 4:28, one need at a time. God uses us as individuals to help other individuals, compassionately and generously 2Co 9:6
- Our generosity is determined by how much we have left, not by how much we give Mk 12:41-44