The Hardest Man on Earth to Find
Posted 7/2/2002 9:44:33 AM
Some notes from the men's session of Family Camp chapel, led by Bob Jones III, on Eze 22:30.
The Lord is looking for a man to stand in the gap. That man:
- Cannot stand the dross of this world Eze 22:24
- Has the discernment to not be led on by smooth-talking deceivers Eze 22:25
- Maintains the integrity of the Scriptures, and of the Christian life Eze 22:26
- Has a sensitive conscience Eze 22:27
- Will stand for God regardless of the consequences Eze 22:28
- Makes it his life's goal to serve God above all else Eze 22:30
- Is humble
Where is my righteous indignation over sin? Where is my exuberation over righteousness and good, for that matter?
Losing my view of God's holiness, and therefore of the wickedness of sin, seriously dilute the convicting power of the Holy Spirit.
All verses in this article