Consider Your Ways
Posted 1/12/2014 1:37:39 PM
"Consider your ways." Hag 1:5,7 This is a call to action, not just thought, in the power of God.
- I considered my ways And turned my feet to Your testimonies. I hastened and did not delay To keep Your commandments. Ps 119:59,60
- Let us examine and probe our ways, And let us return to the Lord. Lam 3:40
Hag 1:5-6 consider the problems I'm having with gathering what I need for life, in light of Hag 1:7-11 what I should be doing to build for God, and pleasing and glorifying Him.
Hag 1:12-15 After the people started obeying and revering God,
- "I am with you," He says,
- He stirs them up, and
- they started working on His house
This all took three weeks from beginning of the chapter to the end - quick!
All verses in this article