Nehemiah's Choices
Posted 11/17/2001
Take Action
- Weep, mourn, fast, and pray before God Neh 1:4
- Be sad before the king Neh 2:2 - a dangerous thing to do.
Plan and Prepare
- Request the king to send him to Judah, with free passage, and use of the king's forest, to rebuilt the city Neh 2:5-8. He'd obviously thought through what to ask.
- Scope out the situation at Jerusalem before filling the others in on his plans Neh 2:12
Trust in God without presumption
- Disregard the threats of Sanballat and his crowd Neh 2:19
- Appeal to God for protection Neh 4:8
- Keep careful watch against attack Neh 4:9
Unabashedly promote God
- Confront corruption Neh 5:7
- Count the 42,360 people Neh 7:5 and their goods
- Take an oath along with many others to walk in God's law Neh 10:28, support the house of God Neh 10:32, and give their firstfruits to God Neh 10:35-36 - even their sons!
- Persuade the people to follow through with their oath Neh 13:10
- Take a stand on the sanctity of the sabbath Neh 13:15
- Shame many for marrying heathen women Neh 13:23