Posted 5/30/2009
Some things in life cannot be bought, rushed, or made up. Faithfulness in one of these rarities. By definition, a faithful person is loyal to the exclusion of everything else. Other key traits include
- Devotion
- Reliability
- Consistent
- Worthy of trust
Faithfulness takes time. The only way to demonstrate it is over time, proving to those watching that you indeed are faithful, day after day.
- Timothy proved his faithful character and service to Jesus and Paul Php 2:19-22
- Epaphroditus carried his devotion to serving the people to Phillipi even through his almost-deadly illness Php 2:25-30
Faithfulness usually isn't easy. Being trustworthy even through the hard times is what makes it all the more real.
- Joseph remained trustworthy to God even though he was mistreated, lied about, and imprisoned
- Daniel remained so reliable in his faith to God that his enemies could count on it to trap him and try to kill him
- Jesus was faithful all the way to the cross, where He died to pay for all our sins
- Paul remained faithful to Christ through physical and spiritual trials that would have taken down many other men