Return of the King

Posted 1/5/2008

Revelation 19

  1. Hallelujah
  2. Marriage supper
    1. Hallelujah!
      1. Those who fear God Ps 22:23
      2. The Lord our God, Almighty, reigns Ps 93:1
    2. The Lamb
      1. Rejoice, be glad, give glory - the marriage of the Lamb is come
        1. For those who are ready, not those who are not
        2. The bride clothed in fine, bright, clean linen = righteous acts of the saints
          • Does this mean that only those who have earned a seat at the marriage supper arrive? Mat 22:14
          • Blessed are those invited to the marriage supper!
          • Be ready! Mat 25:10; Luk 12:36
        3. True words of God
  3. Last Battle

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