The End

Posted 4/28/2007

Previously with Elijah,

Elijah has just come off the triumph of the defeat of Baal's prophets, killing hundreds of them. He has been fed by God for years first by ravens, then by the bottomless flour and oil containers, and now by and angel that gives him two meals.


He asked God for rain again, and it was delivered, as he outran Ahab's chariot back to town - 30 miles! He asked God for his hostess' boy's life back, and it was granted.


Today's story,


Ahab goes back whining to his wife about how Elijah had killed all the prophets, and Jezebel threatens Elijah's life. He runs away in fear of his life, way down south to Beersheba, and gives up.


Two meals later, he walks hundreds of miles to Mt. Horeb/Sinai to find the God he'd championed on Mt. Carmel, and finds that God, all-powerful as He is, isn't interested in working in big ways, but in small quiet changes.


"What are you doing here, Elijah?"


Jesus is the perfect example of unlimited power harnessed in a gentle spirit. He is patient, kind, loving, forgiving. He

And that's it,

Elijah's days are numbered. God finishes him up with some leadership changes, and appoints his successor. He manages to call down some more fire, but that's about it.


Who are you trusting? Your own skills, your big experiences? Can God do the impossible still, in our lives today?