Dive into your Imagination
Friday, June 1, 2012
After much internal debate, I decided to try another educational video. While my children have enjoyed them all, I just really don't understand the appeal! Truly educational and interesting DVDs tend to get dusty while those that drive me crazy with silliness are played over and over. Now, we actually watch very few videos or movies in our household. If something is on daily, it is a Muzzy DVD or Schoolhouse Rock. So, at least I am not listening to talking dinosaur or sing ABCs with a yellow bird on a regular basis.
Anyway, I am so glad we decided to DIVE into learning with Dive into your imagination's DVD, What Makes a Fish, A Fish
Not only were my children mesmerized by this underwater adventure with Annie Crawley aka Ocean Annie, I was truly impressed by the beauty and quality of the DVD production! So rarely is information enjoyable for children and adults alike. Even my babies watched the screen and tried to "catch" the fish.
This is no second rate, home movie type DVD either- as several homeschool type DVDs are. It actually is embarrassing to watch some home videos passed off to homeschoolers as "professional". I don't mean to be harsh and I realize sometimes the content is good enough without the need for "flash", but I was thrilled with this DVD all around. Ocean Annie makes the content real for the listener. The music is fun and perfectly compliments the storyline and video masterfully. In fact, the DVD was awarded the Greatest Products from the iParenting Media in 2008.
In addition to the DVD itself, supporting materials are available for teachers in their classroom. Educator Guides can be purchased separately from the DVDs (3 DVDs are offered in total). The 1st - 3rd grade download for What Makes a Fish, A Fish is a "slight" 374 page guide and the Pre-K/ K is a mere 298 pages. By adding these guides to the DVD, the 8 chapter DVDs is easily turned into a full course in oceanography for your young scholars. Choose what you want, print what you want.
The price of $19.95 is well worth it, in my opinion. Ocean Annie is passionate and knowledgeable about her subject matter and that shows through and is translated in a professional and very pleasing manner. We did not even scratch the surface of all the this DVD and teacher's guides have to offer.
Free shipping is available for the month of June , so now is a perfect time to order! Much more than DVDs are offered on the Dive into your imagination site. Also, while the printed guides (for an entire set of all offered) are available for $299 and downloads are available for $69.95 as individual PDFs HOWEVER!! As a special gift to the TOS Crew and readers, you can request a copy of the educator guide in the note section. You must NOT order the guides, but rather indicate you are a Homeschool Teacher in the notes section when you order your DVD and a link will be sent.
This information was not presented in a Biblical context and it is important to note you should watch the content and be ready to discuss. While I prefer science material presented with a strong scriptural, creation based perspective, I still really enjoyed this DVD and am sure I would enjoy the other 2 in the series as well.
Ocean Annie can be reached in several ways. Here are a few, but she can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
200 W. Mason St. #19
Santa Barbara, CA, 93101
E-mail: annie@diveintoyourimagination.com
Telephone: 805-453-1947
skype: Annie Crawley
Disclaimer: As a member of The Old Schoolhouse Review crew, I recieved a free copy of this DVD and also downloadable educator's guides to all 3 DVDs offered by Dive Into your Imagination.
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