Apologia Science Curriculum
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Looking for a GREAT creation based science course for your children? Look no further than Apologia. This is the best, most clearly written and easy to understand, yet thoroughly understandable, program I have seen. If you want to look at samples of the modules, there are many to look at on their site as well as other extras.
My college degree is in Biology. I wish these books had been available to me when I was growing up. Their books for Elementary students are written by Jeannie Fulbright include: Exploring Creation with Astronomy, Exploring Creation with Botany, and Exploring Creation with Zoology 1, 2 and 3. The books for High School Students include: General Science, Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Advanced Biology, Marine Biology, Advanced Chemistry and Advanced Physics.
There are many other resources and helpful material available on Apologia's website. Apologia is also offering a Conference in the Baltimore, MD area the weekend of Feb 27-29th. If you are able to go, I am sure it would be of great benefit to you!
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