Homeschooling ABCs from KnowledeQuest
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wow! I wish I had taken this course when we first started homeschooling. Even now, in my 9th year, there is A LOT of great information in these lessons that I have benefited from. Some of the information reminded me of what I am doing right and gave me confidence and that "pat on the back" so often lacking from our job as mother/ teacher. Other parts pointed out ways I could improve. However, I did not detect even the slightest tone of criticism or judgment in the lessons. And I can feel guilty about anything..
The lessons come weekly . There is a different lesson for each letter of the alphabet- as the name implies. I would recommend this course as a *must read* for new , struggling or even seasoned homeschoolers.
There are currently only a limited number of spots available for this course. So, if interested, sign up soon. The course is well written and extremely easy to understand. I have not gone through all the lessons yet, but look forward to the others to come. In addition to the large amount of "meat" in each lesson, there are very valuable REAL extras in many or all of the lessons. I hate when you sign up with the promise of free "extras" and they turn out to be useless or there is a "catch".
Bravo Terri! Thank you so much . I whole heartedly recommend this series and feel you will not regret this investment ($60 total broken up into $10 a month increments).
Additionally, there is an offer of a mini-course to try it out for free.
This has been a very fun review and you can try with no risk at all to you! If you homeschool, do yourself a favor, and check this out.
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